How to implement a Risk Management Program

July 29, 2018

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  1. Strategic Plan: Have a 3-5 year strategic plan.  Refer back to it regularly, at least yearly, to assess the performance of your Board.  If you don’t set targets, you won’t maximise your performance.
  2. Review your Constitution:  Read it carefully and know what it does and doesn’t allow you to do.  Update it if you need to, including submitting any changes to Consumer Affairs/ASIC, or amend it to suit your organisations needs.  Make sure the League/competition has an independent board with broad powers.
  3. Annual Personnel Review:  Review the Board and Key staff of the organisation (if any) at least yearly.
  4. Comply with all Laws:  such as Equal Opportunity, right through to carefully checking that the annual financial report is accurate, and that your accountant and any Board member with accounting qualifications, has signed off on it.  Other laws include Taxation, Occupational Health and Safety, and Working with Children legislation.
  5. Have a Board Induction Pack and a Board Induction Program:

    Induction Pack:  include in it the constitution; any policies, by-laws; most recent financial report; copies of any member protection policy; copies of affiliation agreements with parent bodies or constituent bodies; director insurance policy.

    Board Induction Program: hold a meeting between the CEO (or main administrative officer, whether or not a Board member), Board Chairperson, and the new Board member, usually after the new Board member has read through the Board Induction Pack.  Explain the Board’s role, type of work done, what is expected of board members, and have some sort of position description that details the role of Board members.

  6. Member Constitution: Always consult the members of the organisation.  Listen to any feedback from members.  After all, the members own the organisation.
  7. Insurance: Ensure that you have adequate insurance cover for the organisation, both sports policy – public liability
  8. Policies and Rules:  Develop appropriate policies (eg Bullying and sexual harassment) including Codes of Conduct (Board and other) that set the “tone” of the organisation.  Provide seminars to members on important issues.